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Your Ultimate Care Guide to Monstera Deliciosa or the ‘Fruit Salad’ Plant

Your Ultimate Care Guide to Monstera Deliciosa or the ‘Fruit Salad’ Plant - Brisbane Plant Nursery

Monstera is a species of evergreen tropical shrubs and vines native to Central America. Monstera deliciosa is known for its natural leaf holes. It is also called the Fruit Salad or the Cheese plants. The leaf holes of Monstera are called fenestration. They are said to maximize the capture of sun flecks on the forest floor by increasing the spread of the leaf and decreasing the mass of the leaf cells to support it. Let us see the care and maintenance instructions for the Fruit Salad plant and how to keep them in their best possible shape.

Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii are two different species of Monstera that are cultivated as houseplants. The after has longer tapering leaves and completely enclosed leaf holes. The leaf holes of Monstera deliciosa eventually grow towards the edge and open up as they mature. The Fruit Salad Plant is one of the few aroids that produce edible fruit. However, they rarely flower or produce edible fruit indoors.

  • Sunlight: Monstera deliciosa thrives in bright to medium indirect light. It is not suited for intense and direct sun but can be adjusted to withstand it.
  • Water: The plant requires water every 1-2 weeks to allow the soil to dry out between waterings. In brighter lights, you need to water it more often, and in lower lights, less frequently. Monstera deliciosa can benefit from filtered water or water left out overnight before use.
  • Humidity: Although Monstera prefers humid conditions, normal room humidity can also work. To boost the humidity level indoors, you may incorporate a humidifier or a fine mist mister.
  • Temperature: Monstera deliciosa, like most other houseplants, prefers a temperature range of 65F-85F. However, you need to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 60 F.
  • Soil: This plant requires a well-draining potting mix. To increase the soil aeration, you can mix ingredients like lava rocks or perlite.
  • Feeding: You can feed the plant regularly during spring and summer. Since it has epiphytic roots, a liquid fertilizer will be absorbed best. Monstera deliciosa is not too picky and can take any kind of all-purpose plant food or food for indoor plants.

What are the Common Problems with Monstera Deliciosa?

Monstera is generally a pest-free and easygoing plant. However, if pests appear, you need to treat them immediately with weekly sprays of a natural pesticide like neem oil. Regular wipe-downs of the plant are also required. If you notice the leaves turning brown and crispy at the edges, it means the plant is thirsty, underwater, or has high salt buildup. If it is wilting, it could be pot-bound or underwater. If the plant has yellow leaves or black stems, it means it is overwatered.

What Precautions to Take?

Remember that Monsteras can be irritating to dogs, cats and humans if the foliage is consumed. Hence, it is recommended that you keep it out of reach of small children and pets.


Monstera deliciosa is a great choice for your indoor plant collection as it requires very little care. To ensure that it stays in good health, make sure you give it plenty of indirect sunlight and water it only once every week or two.

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