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All You Need to Know About the Golden Penda Plant

All You Need to Know About the Golden Penda Plant - Brisbane Plant Nursery

The Golden Penda is more like a mountain of gold. Also known as Xanthostemon chrysanths, it is one of the most amazing native plants and originates from the rainforests of northeast Australia. Golden Penda is extensively planted in Australia and Singapore. There are around 45 species of Xanthostemon throughout Southeast Asia and some Pacific islands. Australia alone sports 13 of these species from the subtropical and tropical regions of Queensland and the Northern Territory. Golden panda belongs to the Myrtaceae family, which relates to the Gums, Tea trees, and Bottle Brushes. Let us explore more features of the Golden Penda plant.

Golden Penda is a well-shaped tree and is covered in a mass of florescences of golden flowers with long stamens. The word Xanthostemon means Golden Stamen. The stamens can measure up to 200mm across. The flowering time is inconsistent and bursts into bloom at any time except spring. Golden Penda may flower several times in the year if the conditions are right. Since the flowers are abundant in the supply of nectar, they attract many birds and bees. The foliage is extremely attractive. It changes from a multi-lobed small leaf to an elliptical shape as the tree matures.

As the form of the tree can vary greatly, the selection of your plant is important. If you are looking for a feature tree in a garden bed or on a lawn, you can go for a multi-stemmed plant. A straight stem is well suited to rainforest plantings, street tree plantings and pruned garden features. The ones in natural rainforests can reach heights of around 15 metres. But in cultivation, it is likely to be 6-8 metres.  

Golden Penda requires rich, well-drained soil with plenty of water available. Damp clay conditions will result in the roots rotting, and dry conditions will result in a sparse and spindly specimen. Propagation can be achieved from seeds picked at the end of summer. It is an easy method with no special treatment necessary, but the young plant will develop slowly. Semi-hardwood cuttings from a healthy specimen will achieve flowering years in advance of the seed-grown plants.

Golden Penda does not easily catch pests or diseases. Spraying it with pest oil will clear up any infestation. There are geta varieties of Golden Penda for home gardens, like Xanthostemon verticillatus, a slow-growing small tree that can tolerate wet feet. Also called Little Penda, it is a very popular form of this plant in domestic landscapes since it only grows to about 1m. Xanthostemon white, or Red Penda, is a tree that grows 8-15 metres. It grows with flowers and has red foliage.

The timber of Golden Penda is hard. The indigenous population used it to make spears and shields. Golden Penda can be pruned to become a hedge or windbreak. Since it is rarely taller than 10 metres, it is an ideal street tree. The tree mostly flowers in late summer and autumn, but the trusses of brilliant yellow flowers can appear all year round.

To Conclude

Many homeowners go for Golden Penda because of its various benefits along with stunning foliage. It does not drop leaves, does not have an invasive root system, has no pests or diseases and is also a favourite among many nectar feeders.

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